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Demonstration Scheduled In Berlin To Demand Release

Government's Silence on Assange Case Raises Concerns

Demonstration Scheduled in Berlin to Demand Release

Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Injustice

The German government's silence regarding the ongoing Julian Assange case has sparked widespread concern among human rights advocates and freedom of speech activists. Critics accuse the government of turning a blind eye to the serious threats to press freedom posed by Assange's prosecution.

In light of this inaction, a demonstration has been organized for Wednesday in Berlin-Mitte to call for Assange's immediate release. The protest, organized by a coalition of civil society groups, will demand an end to the government's silence and its shameful complicity in the persecution of an outspoken journalist.

Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been unjustly imprisoned for over a decade over his role in publishing classified US military documents that exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. His extradition to the United States, where he faces espionage charges, would set a dangerous precedent and send a chilling message to whistleblowers worldwide.

The German government must not remain silent any longer. Its reputation as a defender of human rights and press freedom is at stake. It is imperative that the government take urgent action to call for Assange's release and demand the respect of fundamental journalistic principles.

The demonstration in Berlin is a critical opportunity for the public to make their voices heard and demand justice for Assange. By joining the protest, we can send a clear message that silence is not an option in the face of such grave injustice.
